Mid year vacation over, back to reality
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Yeap, my island adventure part 4 has come to an end. Time for me get recover and get back to reality. I had a very wonderful island adventure with my other 8 friends. To honest it was fun but not as fun as last year's one. May be it's because of the accommodation and facilities that was provided. I find that the room was the only good thing here. The rest like food, beach boy friendliness and the activities provided still lose to cheaper resorts and chalets in perhentian lsland. I stayed at Bubu long beach resort btw. I wouldn't recommend anyone to go bubu long beach for the price. Cheaper resort can do better than Bubu long. Why do i know? Because i have been to perhentian island 3 times in a row and i have stayed at Perhentian Island Resort (2007) and Cocohut chalet (2008) and there are a lil cheaper than bubu long but in term of activities , facilities and food provided still lose to both ot them. I highly recommend cocohut and it was the best one i every stayed. Food is freaking nice, beach boys are fun when you go snorkeling, room is very comfortable and friendly staff there. So planning to go perhentian trip ya guys can consult me...hehe.Anyway...now let me get in detailed to my holiday here. We had fun that was for sure because this time we had a underwater camera! Well...it's not really a underwater camera but it's a normal digital camera and we got a cheap underwater casing that will work no more than 10 feet underwater. Seems fair enough for me because we're just snorkeling and wont be diving too deep after all. Here is a shot underwater.
So basically what we do there for 3d2n was just eat, swim, and play and eat again. Same routine. We spent a lot of time in the water thought.
It was one hell of an experience and i will do it again if i get the chance. Well, after that we got back to our resort, took a nice hot shower and ate dinner. At night we had a secret operation for a good friend of mine. He was going to propose to his gf to marry him and we make him a treasure chest and guess what...the operation was successful! I am so happy for my friend here. This friend of mine better belanja is BIG BIG because we did played a big part in planning ...hehehe.
Now i am back in KL with sun burnt mark on my back. It was really red and painful yesterday but now not so painful. Now my skins is turning darker and it's starting to itch. It's a sign of the skin is stating to peel. Well...i have been to island adventure 4 years in a row and guess what 4/4 times i got sun burnt! Oh yeah! I am so used to the feeling already which i literally don't care. I did put sun lotion on but still i always kena. Don't know why but well...as long i had fun...it's ok to get sun burn once a year...HEHE.
Okie...that's all from me and here is the pic of the resort
Arghh...you say turtle...when I was there, didnt bump to any at all....Yes, Cocohut food is the best!
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